Chaz Horn presents...

Grow Your Sales w/ The Right Tactics, Techniques, and Strategies

...Learn How To Bring Sales & Marketing Together In One Process

Complimentary Live Training w/ Q & A

*Q&A Hosted via Live LinkedIn Audio Event

Presented by

Chaz Horn

Complimentary LinkedIn Live Audio Event w/ Training and Q & A Session to help you discover:

  • How to use Leverage to Predictably attract the exact right Prospects to You

  • How to seamlessly convert a lead into a Qualified Prospect Meeting

  • How to Position yourself to build confidence in Your Prospect's mind about YOU being able to SOLVE their problems and help THEM reach their goals

  • How to incorporate ChatGPT in your Sales Process & Marketing Strategy

  • How to convert prospects who are GHOSTING You and How to Proactively Prevent being Ghosted

  • Learn the 5 Keys To Grow Sales Predictably - TTABS (Tactic, Technique, Attitude, Behavior, and Strategy)

Want to get Free LIVE COACHING from the master of B2B sales, Chaz Horn?

Chaz's highly sought after coaching is ONLY for his clients, but Now you'll get his full attention to get your questions answered via LIVE LinkedIn Audio.

*Q&A Hosted via Live LinkedIn Audio Event

Grow Your Sales w/ The Right Tactics, Techniques, and Strategies

...Learn How To Bring Sales & Marketing Together In One Process

Complimentary Live Training w/ Q & A



Every Tuesday & Thursday at 11:30 AM CST

*Q&A Hosted via Live LinkedIn Audio Event

Mastery Of B2B Sales | Copyright ©2022 | All Rights Reserved

Disclaimer: Sales figures and campaign results listed above or in my marketing material are not typical and are the result of years of training, experimenting and learning from mistakes. These figures and results are used specifically as examples. Your results will vary depending on a wide variety of variables and factors.